*This column originally appeared in the Santa Barbara Independent Last month, I wrote about my twenty-year journey at the Santa Barbara Writers Conference. What I didn’t talk about was the team-teaching I do with mystery writer Lida Sideris. A few years before the pandemic, Lida and I started offering a workshop titled, […]
*This column originally appeared in the Independent. The Santa Barbara Writers Conference began last Sunday. The conference has been an important part of my life for the past twenty years. I’ve participated as a volunteer, panelist and workshop leader at the conference. I wrote the poem that launched my writing career those two decades ago, […]
Poetry Connection Column: previously published in the Santa Barbara IndependentBy Melinda Palacio, Santa Barbara Poet Laureate Last week’s Laureate Series at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Paseo Nuevo was the first event I’ve hosted in a while. That it was on a First Thursday, meant there was a built-in audience. People know that […]
Melinda Palacio, Santa Barbara Poet Laureate. Blog 2. *This post was originally published in the Santa Barbara Independent National Poetry Month May be over but Santa Barbara continues to bring the best of the laureates to our town. United States Poet Laureate Ada Limón closed out poetry month. Last Thursday, UCSB hosted Joy Harjo, 23rd […]
Poetry Connection Blog
***Poet Laureate Blog 1. This post was previously published in the Santa Barbara Independent By Melinda Palacio, Santa Barbara Poet Laureate When I told my dental hygienist that I was going to be Santa Barbara’s Poet Laureate, she wasn’t sure what that meant. The instruments in my mouth didn’t help either. She was confused behind […]
Women’s Literary Voices, Poetry Pairing Tickets
News and article links
Ironwood Issue 33 The Montecito Journal The Santa Barbara Independent keyt news clip Santa Barbara Independent The Smithsonian Latino Virtual Museum Santa Barbara Independent Lompoc Record Santa Maria Sun Santa Barbara Independent edhat Santa Barbara Santa Barbara Public Library Voice Magazine The University of Arizona: Poetry Center National Book Critics Spotlight Los Angeles Review of […]
Santa Barbara’s Poet Laureate
Read the article in the Santa Barbara Independent
Past Events Santa Barbara 2010-2022
2010 Speaker: Santa Barbara City College Chicano Studies 2010 Featured Poet Santa Barbara Poetry Series: along with Phil Taggart and Marsha de la O. 2010 Featured Poet: Creative Community Channel: Poetry inspired by the Mission. 2011 Panelist: UCSB’s Interdisciplinary Humanities Center 2011 Poet: Carnegie Museum, Oxnard. Arcade Poetry Series. 2011 Poet: Sullivan Goss: An […]
The Paterson Poetry Prize
In Paterson, I enjoyed my fifteen (or more) minutes of fame. I’m still feeling the glow of being including in the finalists for the Paterson Poetry Prize. I had the pleasure of meeting three poets with varying and powerful styles, including our winner, 5th Inaugural Poet Richard Blanco of Beyoncé and Anderson Cooper fame, and […]